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6-10-10 Fine Arts Commission Meeting Minutes
Meeting of June 10, 2010

Vice Chair Florence Schroeter called the meeting of the Fine Arts Commission to order at 7:05 p.m. in Room 12 of the Cultural Center.

PRESENT: Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe (excused); Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien;
           Glynis McKenzie; Judy Okeson; Maureen Rodgers; Betty Russell; Dan Russell;
       Florence Schroeter ; Prescille Yamamoto.

ABSENT:  Regina Barall; (excused); Karen Howe (excused); John Ryan; (excused) ;  Sue Tukey.
MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Glynis McKenzie     
To approve the minutes of May 13, 2010.         
Correction:  The date of the next Fine Arts Commission meeting is June 10, 2010, not June 3, 2010.
                Approved with correction.

III.    CHAIR’S REPORT                                          
Vice Chair Schroeter heard from Paul Bisaccia.  He enjoyed coming to East Hartford and looks forward to doing a solo performance next.  Florence will contact Paul to find out his schedule and to see if he is available for Holiday Fest as well as a spring 2011 performance.

IV.     CORRESPONDENCE                                          
        Vice Chair Schroeter received the following correspondence:
  • Thank you from Emil Kopcha for supporting the Fine Arts Programs with East Hartford Public Schools.
  • Thank you from the students at Pitkin School for awarding the $250 mini-grant so they could attend the Hartford Symphony.
        Dance                                           No report at this time.

Hilde O’Brien will contact the library to work with them on holding a Poetry Program.  Hilde strongly feels that through the library, children as well as adults, would participate.

Film Series                                     No report at this time.

Terrye Blackstone brought in the 2010 Purchase Award with the new frame and mat that was purchased from the Commission.  She also had the plaque that will be placed on the frame.  She is in contact with John Ryan to photograph the award.  She submitted an invoice for the calligraphy but requested payment not be made until the calligraphy is completed.

Dan Russell reported there will be an exhibit at the Gallery on Main on June 17 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.  The Gallery on Main is located at 990 Main Street.

        Children’s Programs                                             
Hilde O’Brien stated that the library requested that they would like to do a summer program with Donald Boudreaux again.  Discussion was held.

Glynis McKenzie reported that EHSYF will begin rehearsals on June 21, 2010.  She stated that the cast consists of high school and college students.  The performance is July 29 – 31, 2010 at East Hartford Middle School.

Glynis McKenzie reported that The Commission will be sponsoring “The Score” an instrumental group on July 8 at Alumni Park for the Summer Series program.

Podunk Bluegrass Festival will be held August 5-8, 2010.

        Photography                                                     No report at this time.

Goodwin College
Terrye Blackstone has been unable to contact Mark Scheinberg.

     VI.       OLD BUSINESS                                    
  • Ad for Donald Boudreaux
Hilde O’Brien is working with Mr. Boudreaux on an ad for the East Hartford Gazette informing residents of his exhibit at the Wadsworth Atheneum.

Balance of  the 2009 – 10 Budget
        Vice Chair Schroeter distributed the General Budget print out stating the balance for June 2010.
        After payment of the East Hartford Gazette and there was a balance of $3110.

MOTION          By Betty Russell
                        Seconded by Maureen Rodgers
To pay the clerk an additional $100  this one time for all the extra work she performs for the Commission throughout the year.

Theresa Godreau – clerk (June 2010)                             $ 180.00
Ken Lawhorn (tuning piano – Bisaccia event)                     $ 105.00
        Discount Trophy (plaque-Purchase Award)                         $ 10.00
Ann Belanger (calligraphy –Purchase Award)                      $ 40.00 
Hartford Art & Framing (Purchase Award)                         $275.00
Gazette (Boudreaux Ad)                                          $100.00 
MOTION          By Glynis McKenzie
                        Seconded by Terrye Blackstone
                        To pay the bills as submitted.

        Discussion was held on the balance of the 2009-10 budget
MOTION          By Glynis McKenzie
                        Seconded by Prescille Yamamoto
                        To give $1600 for Sounds of Summer Series
This decision was made because the Sounds of Summer Series brings entertainment to a very diverse audience throughout the summer months.

The balance of the budget was distributed as follows:
MOTION           By Prescille Yamamoto
                        Seconded by Terrye Blackstone
                        To give $145 to Podunk Blue Grass and
                        To give $145 to EHSYF.

Prescille Yamamoto as agreed to be responsible for a spreadsheet that will show Commissioners amounts given for the sub-committees as well as the amounts spent.  She will not be here for the July 2010 meeting but will have it available for the September 2010 meeting.

IX.     MEMBER’S CONCERNS                               .
Terrye Blackstone reported that there is a Matrix Exhibit at the Wadsworth from June 3- September 5.  St. Joseph’s is also hosting an art exhibit.

Maureen Rodgers stated that Bill Nabel is performing in “Annie Get Your Gun” at the Goodspeed.
MOTION  By Glynis McKenzie
                Seconded by Maureen Rodgers
                To adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.